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What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic or long-standing inflammation of the airways and a tendency or habit of the airways to narrow and produce mucus in response to triggers such as tobacco smoke (even in clothing), dust mites, pollen, animal dander, cold air, exercise, dust, molds, cockroaches, strong odors, and upper respiratory infections.

What are the symptoms of asthma?

  • Difficulty breathing

  • “Feeling tight” in the lungs or chest

  • Wheezing, which can be loud enough to be heard from across a room, but often may be heard only through a stethoscope.

  • Other symptoms include cough and rapid breathing. These symptoms may be mild for some people, and very severe for others

Treatment – All treatment plans should be discussed with our office as they are individually tailored for your child.

The first step is to avoid triggers (in increasing order of severity):

  • Avoid environmental triggers (smoke, pollen, dust, etc). NOTE: Even if you smoke outside, unless you change your clothes and shower after each cigarette, your child is still exposed to smoke!

  • Wash hands after coming into contact with animals.

  • Only only 1 or 2 stuffed animals in the bedroom. Wash these in hot water every 1-2 weeks.

  • Launder sheets every week in hot water.

  • Use allergy proof mattress and pillow covers to prevent reactions from dust mites.

  • Remove carpeting from the bedroom.

  • Use HEPA air filtering units. (3M Filtrete is one of the best furnace filters – see Consumer Reports)

  • Change to non forced-air heating or place filters over heating ducts.

The second step is to take medications prescribed by our office. Medication is geared towards treating two different problems: the sudden narrowing of the airways and the chronic inflammation of the airways.

Bronchodilators treat airway narrowing when an asthma attack happens.

  • Albuterol (Ventolin®, Proventil®)

  • Ipratropium (Atrovent®)

Anti-inflammatories prevent inflammation and should be taken every day.

  • Steroids (Flovent®, Pulmicort®, Advair®, etc.) Bear in mind that these contain low doses of steroids and are very safe when used the way we recommend.

Medication delivery

  • Inhaler with spacer

  • Nebulizer

The third step is to make sure that all caregivers are aware of your child’s asthma and know about the warning signs and medications available.

The fourth step is to follow the asthma action plan.

Use a peak flow meter daily to measure your lung performance.

To determine your green, yellow, and red zones, please refer to the asthma action plan page.If you are using anti-inflammatories, be sure to use them EVERY DAY as directed.


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