We continue to monitor our positive rates.
Here are the most recent rates from our office:
Our 14 day positivity rate has gone DOWN from 17.4% to 13.5%
Our 7 day positivity rate has gone DOWN from 14.4% to 12.0%
The 7 day Saratoga County positivity rate has gone UP from 9.0% to 9.5%
How Should We React?
Four Seasons Pediatrics has seen rates decrease for the second week in a row. We are still very high compared with the rest of the state. This may be an indication that the UK variant has been a component of this surge. We are very hopeful that the rates indicate a trend that will continue.
Four Seasons Pediatrics Testing
Dr. Buckley’s office will be covering our office for this weekend (1/15/21-1/17/21). No rapid testing will be offered during those weekends. If you cannot wait until Monday, we recommend Malta Med for testing. You will need to be seen by the doctor there, there is no need for an order. Please remember that their rapid test (Antigen Test) is a screening test and therefore, they will do a send out Molecular Test which will take several days. Our rapid test is a Molecular Test and is diagnostic. While no test is perfect, a Molecular Test is most likely to represent the presence or absence of infection. We will continue to take portal requests. Please continue reading to get an appointment time for the following day. These can be requested during the weekdays as well. Portal requests help us handle the volume of requests that get called in each morning. If you request testing through your portal account, please copy and paste the information below and fill in each field. (Please use these questions, as we have made a change from previous versions)
Phone calls for Saturdays and Sundays: If you have a need to reach the doctor on call, PLEASE call between 7 am and no later than 9 am. Any calls that come in after 9 am may not be returned until after the office closes.
Appointment Request through your Portal Account
Please copy and paste the fields and fill in information:
Symptoms and date started:
Fever (100.4 or higher – if yes how high and how measured) (Y/N):
Close contact (defined as within 6 feet of someone positive with COVID for 15″) (Y/N):
Traveled within the last 14 days? (Y/N):
Anyone in the home under Quarantine? (Y/N):
Anyone in the home being tested or waiting for results of a COVID test? (Y/N):
Phone number of the person who will bring patient:
Car Make and Color (that will come for appointment):
School or Daycare that patient attends:
Any change in Medications/Allergies/Medical History/Surgeries or Hospitalizations since last being here? (Y/N):